As the lead Consultant and Landscape Architect, the Retown team (aka Town Builder Studios) managed the Planned Unit Development & Annexation entitlement process including the park and open space components. As a community with sustainable goals, open space and conservation are an important aspect of this development. The open spaces incorporated in the Master Plan will serve to enhance the feeling of community and will provide many amenities for both residents and the surrounding areas. These open spaces will provide places for the community to gather, to relax, and to play. Approximately $650,000 will be provided for the construction of the parks within the Fox River Woods Community. The Fox River Woods development team will work with the City of Ottawa to help locate additional funding and /or grants to develop the parks.The primary parks include 1) Village Green; 2) Community Park; 3) Art & Fitness Trail; 4) River Edge Park; 5) Multi-Use Trails; and 6) Ravine Restoration Areas. The overall development program calls for:
- 37 acres of commercial
- 220 apartments
- 102 condominiums
- 137 townhomes
- 123 senior residential plus assisted living
- 168 attached single family rowhomes
- 474 detached single family homes
- 32 acres of dedicated parkland plus accessible riverfront trails
The Park & Recreation Report.